Love and Peace is the ultimate goal of humanity.
Since ancient times, Chinese is a race that seek love and peace. At least four emperors in Chinese history have “Peace” as the reign principle. Chinese phrases like "National peace and prosperity", “Unity of all Human" and “The pursuit of harmony between Heaven and Human" are different ways to express "Peace”.
The Book of Changes, “The sages influence the minds of men, and the result is harmony and peace under all the sky."
Discourse of Zhou, “Man that has the voice of peace shall have capacity for good fortune.”
The Analects, “Harmony is the essential part of ritual.”
We also acknowledge there are many religious references to Peace.
The original meaning of “Islam” is “Peace”.
In the Bible, Jesus is known as "Prince of Peace". "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you” - John 14:27. There are at least 65 references to Peace in the Bible.
In many religious beliefs, Peace is described as the as harmony between Man and God, harmony between Man and Earth, harmony between Man and Man, and harmony within Man ourself.
Amare Foundation is a non-profit organization that welcome anyone, regardless of religion belief, irrespective of political alignment, nationality and culture background, to come together to pray for World Peace and to bring universal love.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" - Matthew 5:9
We would like to come together as "Brothers" in the name of Peace. We invite our fellow Christian, Buddhists, Muslim, Taoists, Confucianists, people of different beliefs and philosophies to come together to share and experience Peace and Love.
Amare is the Latin word for “Love”. Peace ultimately is achieve through love. Our group is a Fellowship of Love, praying for peace, in our actions and our beliefs, to bring love to our neighbour.
Although humanity has a history of violence, and there are dark and evil times, we continue to hold the belief of Peace. We believe Peace is beyond any civilization, races and national conflicts. In fact, these histories are reminders that we need to review our culture, our moral principles, and review how we as a society handle such conflicts. Let's all pray together, and work together towards Peace.
"使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子" - 马太福音 5:9